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lady smelling flowers








·         Pick strawberries, raspberries, red and white currants, gooseberries, and cherries.


·         Irrigate fruit when necessary.


·         Mow grass and keep weeds under control.


·         Continue disbudding wall trained peaches and nectarines, tie in selected shoots, thin fruit.


·         Thin plums in two stages, early June and late June.


·         Heavy set of apples, thin lightly, wait until after June drop for final thinning.


·         Thin pears if heavy set.


·         Continue to protect fruit against birds.


·         Put straw down for strawberries, peg down runners for new plants


·         Continue to tie in new shoots of raspberries.


·         Once new raspberry canes produced, prune out old canes on new plantings.


·         Train in new shoots of blackberries and hybrid berries.


·         Thin gooseberries, Summer prune at the end of June.


·         Summer prune red and white currants at the end of June.


·         Continue to spray apples regularly against scab and mildew, also red spider mite if present.


·         Spray apples against codling moth about mid- June and again 3 weeks later.


·         Spray apples against bitter pit in mid-June if necessary.


·         Inspect stone fruits for red spider mite and aphids if present.


·         Inspect gooseberries for caterpillars of sawfly and magpie moth and control if necessary. spray for leaf spot after cropping if necessary.


·         Strawberries spray for grey mould and mildew, control slugs if necessary.


·         Spray raspberries and loganberries at dusk against rasps beetle, at first pink fruit on raspberries or 80% petal fall on loganberries and again 14 days later.


·         Spray cane fruits against spur blight and cane spot, spray against grey mould as first flowers open.





·         Cut at summer height, twice a week


·         If there is a prolonged dry spell lift height of cut slightly.


·         Summer feeding and weeding of lawns,  sulphate of ammonia = nitrogen, spot treat weeds


·         Rake coarse grasses and clovers before mowing.


·         Trim edges regularly.


·         Water if there is a dry spell, soil surface may be hard; lightly spike the soil before irrigating.





Gardening in January
Gardening in February
Gardening in March
Gardening in April
Gardening in May
Gardening in June
Gardening in July
Gardening in August
Gardening in September
Gardening in October
Gardening in November

Gardening in December

The above helpful advice has been reproduced by kind permission of Will Hart, whose experience includes working for Blackburn Rovers FC (as a groundsman at their Training Ground, Academy and Ewood Park), for the Sultan of Oman (at his French residence in Fontainebleau, south of Paris) at the 1999 Martell Grand National at Aintree and for a variety of different sized local gardens and estates.  Impressive credentials I am sure you will agree!



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UtilityKitchenGamesMusic - Kennel