
Preparing for a Job Interview

Preparing for a Job Interview Hints and Tips from  Introduction A traditional job interview typically involves a question and answer session with a prospective employer – although there may be more than one representative of…

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Laptop Buying Guide

Laptop Buying GuideBy Elena Price  Note from Hints and Things – this article was published some time ago and, such is the pace of technology, many of the specifications mentioned may now be outdated.  I…

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What is Mobile Broadband?

MOBILE BROADBAND What is mobile broadband? Mobile broadband allows you to connect to the internet, wherever you are. Just as it’s possible to make telephone calls wherever you happen to be using your mobile phone,…

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Repayment or Interest Only Mortgage?

Should I get a ‘Repayment’ or ‘Interest Only’ mortgage? from  First things first: There is no such thing as an “interest only” mortgage! A provocative assertion, I know. So, strictly speaking, I suppose I…

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