Recipe says to use an 8 inch round tin but you only have square tins- what size should you use? We have all been faced with this dilemma and as the size of tin is…
Author: Mark
More general kitchen and cookery related hints and tips.
MORE GENERAL HINTS AND TIPS When I am cooking that requires something like 1 cup peanut butter, I use a 2 cup measuring cup and put in 1 cup of hot water and add…
More food related tips, how to skin fish, how to choose crabs, guarantee freshness etc.
More food related tips APPLES To see if a Cox’s Pippin apple is ripe, shake and if the pips rattle, it is ripe. FISH To ensure fish is fresh, look for shiny eyes and body…
Kitchen and cookery tips, shortcuts, money saving tips, food preparation tips and other gems.
KITCHEN TIPS I thought it was time to start a page for general kitchen tips, please send us yours to add – – If you stick you tongue out while chopping onions it…
Glossary of Cooking / culinary Terms used in recipes, explanation as to meaning and how to undertake, Saute to Zest
CULINARY TERMS Well, here’s the final list of explanations for the time being, ranging from Sauté to Zest. Of course, we will continue to add to this list over the next few months. If you…
Glossary of Cooking and culinary terms, explanation and how to perform From Knead to Roux H to R
CULINARY TERMS H – R In order to be able to follow recipes you have to know what various terms mean; if you don’t it can be very difficult to find explanations – not anymore,…
How to grow, store and use rosemary in recipes
How to Grow, Store and Use Rosemary in Recipes Rosemary is a wonderful herb which is also an evergreen. This means you can creatively choose a location to incorporate rosemary as part of your…
How to cook basics such as rice and chicken simply but perfectly.
HOW TO COOK RICE AND CHICKEN PERFECTLY AND EASILY If you have seen the page on cooking eggs, you will know that a Mr. Michael Paterson kindly sent in lots of information on how to…
Essential research before buying a kitchen or new worktop
Essential Research before Buying a Kitchen One important thing that generally goes amiss when sourcing a product for your new kitchen is that too few consumers undertake research into the quality of the product or…
How to find the right refrigerator for your needs.
How to find the right refrigerator for your needs. from Summary Using refrigerator reviews can help you find out what the best model is going to be based on the needs of your…