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person smelling flowers







Prune gooseberries, redcurrants and white currants now by reducing the main leaders by half and side shoots to 2" (5cm). 


Prune to ground level autumn fruiting raspberries. 


Plant fruit trees and bushes into well prepared ground.

Prune apples and pears in frost free periods. 


Blackcurrants, prune out any material infested with Big Bud Mite, and destroy. 


Fruit trees that arrive and cannot be planted directly should be heeled in, in a sheltered spot at a 45 degree angle away from the wind.




Dig over ground i.e. vegetable plots, and incorporate plenty of well rotted compost, allow the frost to break the soil down.


Lift and divide overgrown crowns of rhubarb.


Mature rhubarb crowns can be covered with a forcing pot.




Remove fallen leaves and debris off the lawn.


Turf can be laid if weather mild and dry.


Do not walk on frost covered lawns.


In mild periods the lawn will continue to grow, mowing may be required, cut with the blades set high, so just to top.


Service mower and sharpen tools ready for spring.




Rake up and dispose of all rose leaves infected with black spot, rust, or mildew


Plant bare rooted rose bushes from now until the end of February.


To prevent freezing all outside taps should be insulated with lagging. 


Lift and divide overgrown crowns of rhubarb.  


Watering under glass should be carried out during the morning so have time to dry out before night.



Gardening in January
Gardening in February
Gardening in March
Gardening in April
Gardening in May
Gardening in June
Gardening in July
Gardening in August
Gardening in September
Gardening in October
Gardening in November


The above helpful advice has been reproduced by kind permission of Will Hart, whose experience includes working for Blackburn Rovers FC (as a groundsman at their Training Ground, Academy and Ewood Park), for the Sultan of Oman (at his French residence in Fontainebleau, south of Paris) at the 1999 Martell Grand National at Aintree and for a variety of different sized local gardens and estates.  Impressive credentials I am sure you will agree!




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UtilityKitchenGamesMusic - Kennel