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How to personalise your kitchen pantry

It isn’t as far out of reach as you think to achieve one of those dream pantries you see on many interior design magazines and blogs. By following a few organisational tips and tricks, you can create a perfectly personalised pantry – and the best part is, you don’t need a big budget to do so!


It’s funny how something as simple as the layout of your pantry can make your life so much easier or ten times harder. There are a few logical steps you can take to help with the functionality of the space.

Deciding what goes where is an easier task if you create divided sections and zones. Split areas of your pantry into food groups, product types and various ingredients. For example, you might have dried food and grains on one shelf, tinned food on another, and herbs spices along the back wall.

Place your products and items in an order that makes sense for you; large items that tend to be heavier could go at the bottom, and baskets of barely used items could be stored on the high shelves so you won’t have to reach for them too often.

Personalisation and labelling

The best way to make food easy to find is to add category labels. However, there are also some steps you can take to make sure this is done well and to avoid a confusing pantry.

Uniformity is what makes labels clear and concise, and easy to read. Unless you a fortunate enough to have impeccable handwriting skills, the best thing to do is to choose a clear font and print your labels. Alternatively, you can find some quirky, customisable labels purchasable on sites such as Etsy.

You can also get creative and make it fun! For a nice surprise, you could fill baskets with personalised chocolate and label each with your family member’s name.  Also try colour coding food products, and filling jars with their favourite snacks.

Coordination and containers

If you would like to make you pantry look aesthetically pleasing, coordination and containers are a great way to do so. Try out the same size and shape containers for each shelf to create unity and stick to this for each product type. For example, contain cereals is plastic dispensers, and grains like rice and couscous in jars. These are very easy to relabel and switch around over time too. You will also benefit from stackable containers to fit more into a small space.