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two fish


The following is an extract taken from a new publication called "Home Economics" which reintroduces readers to all of our Grandparents thrifty tips, advice, delicious recipes, money-saving, time-saving techniques.

This is the art – and, more importantly – the science of housekeeping, more relevant then ever before in these cash-strapped times.

Fish spoil readily. In fact, changes causing spoilage take place more rapidly in fish than in any other food.

Tests for freshness are:-

  • Flesh firm and elastic.

  • Eyes bright, not sunken.

  • Gills not much discoloured.

  • Scales somewhat firmly attached, not very easily removed.
  • Odor fishy but not disagreeable.  Decomposition can often be recognized by the odor of the fish or by the test of laying the fish in water. Those that sink may be considered undecomposed and wholesale; those that float, unfit for use.

  • Also, if the eyes have lost their sheen or the cornea is cloudy, or if the meat is so soft that when pressed the indentation of the finger remains, it should be considered unfit for food.

Because fish contains only a small amount of connective tissue, it is not tough and may be baked or broiled in an uncovered pan like tender cuts of meat.

Fish may be cooked in water.  To prevent it from falling apart, it may be tied loosely in cheesecloth.


This publication maybe small and the language a little outdated on occasions but it contains a wealth of useful information: a practical guide to keeping house and home together on a budget and making the most of what you have without spending a fortune.

Buy Here

The charming, practical advice speaks to each and every home maker and combined with vintage illustrations, ‘how-to’ diagrams, and clear, precise instructions it would make a wonderful gift for anyone involved in running a home.



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