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HOW TO COOK RICE AND CHICKEN PERFECTLY AND EASILYIf you have seen the page on cooking eggs, you will know that a Mr. Michael Paterson kindly sent in lots of information on how to cook basics easily but perfectly. Here are a few more of this recipes - PERFECT WHITE RICEThe secret of good rice is to place it in a sieve and wash it thoroughly under the cold tap, rubbing with the fingers until all the excess starch has gone and the water runs clear. Allow the rice to drain before putting it in a pot. 1 cup of rice to 1.1/5 cups of water, varying the amount of water slightly depending upon its origin. American rice requires a little more water, Asian a little less. Do not salt. One cup of raw rice makes 1.1/2 cups of cooked rice, which will feed two people.
If left covered rice will stay hot and moist for up to one hour. Store leftovers in a fridge, covered.
EASY PLAIN CHICKENThis is the simplest way known to cook chicken, so simple it is difficult to believe it works, but it does! The result is plain meat which can be seasoned with salt and pepper to taste and eaten with Chicken Sauce, used for salads and picnics, or simmered as slices or chunks in other dishes or sauces. It is ideal for invalids or people on diets. The skin turns a grey colour and may be removed if unpleasing to the eye. Services 2-4 people. This recipe uses a 3 1/2 lb. fryer chicken (NOT FROZEN)
Chicken is now completely cooked, all fat removed. Do ensure chicken is completely cooked (i.e. all juices are colourless) before eating.
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