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Although bullying has unfortunately always been part of life, it seems to have got progressively worse over the years in the U.K. with the latest thing being "textual harassment" i.e. bullying by sending text messages to mobile telephones. One young teenager taking an overdose of paracetamol to end her misery. I was, therefore, sad to hear that bullying also takes place in schools in America. I have recently received a message from a youngster which I thought may help others dealing with this predicament -
It is a shame more victims don't have friends like this. I have received this heart felt plea from a grandmother (which I have edited for obvious reasons) -
Bullies are usually cowards and jealousy can be a motive. This young lady appears to be talented and compassionate with a very loving family. In the U.K. it always seems that the victims, whether of crime or bullying, are the ones that suffer most. In the case of bullying it is often the victim which is isolated by the school or who has to move to another school. More on bullying. Bullying is a very complex subject which, I am pleased to say, is getting more publicity of late. I am not qualified to give advice but I have been made aware of several sites which have evolved due to the recent realisation of the magnitude of this problem. These sites provide sensible, realistic advice to everyone connected with this major problem:- USEFUL RESOURCES https://www.childline.org.uk/explore/bullying/pages/Bullying.aspx https://www.consumersbase.com/esafety-guide/ - this guide not only covers cyberbullying but several other aspects on keeping children safe while online. https://www.inpatientdrugrehab.org/cyberbullying-substance-abuse/ Cyberbullying: The full guide for parents, children and schools Unfortunately, it is not only bullying that is a problem for young people, in today's digital world there are many other 'dangers' of which we should all be aware. These excellent guides highlight the problem and provide excellent advice on what to look out for and actions to take to help alleviate the situation. Life-Changing Ways to Keep Kids Safe from the Dangers of the Digital World Raising children in an online world |
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