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You can tell a child is growing up when he stops asking where he came from and starts refusing to tell where he is going!

Each child grows at their own rate, however, the following chart provides a guide to average height of children at various ages which is used by many children's' clothing manufacturers.




0 – 6 months

70 cms / 2ft. 3.5 ins.(approx)

12 months

80 cms / 2ft. 7.5 ins.(approx)

18 months

86 cms / 2ft. 10 ins. (approx)

2 years

92 cms / 3ft. (approx)

3 years

98 cms / 3ft. 2.5 ins. (approx)

4 years

104 cms / 3ft. 5 ins. (approx)

5 years

110 cms / 3ft. 7 ins. (approx)

6 years

116 cms / 3ft. 9.5 ins. (app)

7 years

122 cms / 4ft. (approx)

8 years

128 cms / 4ft. 2.5 ins. (app)

9 years

134 cms / 4ft. 5 ins. (approx)

10 years

140 cms / 4ft. 7 ins. (approx)






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