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Transforming Your Work From Home Set Up

Many people have been working from home more and more frequently so for this reason designing the right space is important for efficiency, comfort and motivation. From using a garden office to selecting the right technology, here are some tips to help improve your work-from-home experience to better support you and your work.

A Dedicated Workspace

If you are among the workforce that works from home, you have to have a designated work area. Dedicate a physical space where you work to avoid mixing up business with pleasure. This step allows one to be able to have a transition between the two environments hence easily switching to work mode without the two intermingling. Having a dedicated workspace also means that you’ll have a place where you store all your work-related items and this in itself can help in avoiding the stress that comes with having to look for something in the midst of scattered items.

Installing a Garden Office

To those who desire to have a really clear line between the professional and personal spheres, a garden office is a perfect option. It is a structure separate from your house and can be designed to be quiet, green and professional, thus avoiding many common household distractions. This way, you not only improve the performance of your work but also get a clear distinction between working and leisure time. Garden offices also provide a way of increasing the value of the property and creating a unique quiet space for office work or any other use. If this sounds like the perfect solution for your work-from-home needs, visit this website to learn more about installing a garden office.

Ergonomics Matter

Ensuring you acquire the right ergonomic furniture will make a huge difference in your comfort and the outcome of the work you do. The right type of chair that offers support with adjustable components and a desk that is set at an appropriate height minimizes pressure on the back, neck and wrists. Good furniture that is comfortable and easy to use can reduce many of the problems that come with working from home such as backaches so you can concentrate on work. Gradually, your organization and productivity will also benefit from proper posture, better health and fewer distractions as a result of aches and pains.

Managing Distractions

It is common to find yourself easily distracted when working from home, by family members, pets or simply the need to do some laundry. The best strategies to avoid distractions include coming up with boundaries with other people in the house, using noise-cancelling headphones and having a schedule to follow. It is quite imperative to construct a space that is free of distraction that will allow the home environment to enhance work and not the other way around. Also, working in blocks and having time intervals for work and leisure may also be effective in that one can be able to manage time well and have some time for other activities in life.

Tech Upgrades

It is very much a cliché yet still very true that the right tools for the job can make all the world of difference when working from home. Although, it is really imperative to have an internet connection; other features like noise-cancelling headphones, a second screen and ergonomic keyboards also help boost productivity. Picking the right technology has a range of benefits, it saves you time and energy, meaning you are less stressed and more productive. In addition, tech upgrades extend beyond physical pieces of tech, for example, using cloud storage and virtual collaboration tools, it is possible to exchange information and contacts with the team, as well as work in a team in different locations.


Your workspace should not only be practical but also creative and you can also bring objects that will help you enhance your creativity and also cheer you up such as plants, paintings and photos. A really inspiring workplace can help make the hours more pleasant and having a good attitude can help you power through the day. Bringing aspects of yourself into the space makes the area more welcoming and you can get ready to tackle any work task that might land on your unique and cheery desk.

 Mental Breaks

One of the biggest challenges of remote work is how to create a clear distinction between work and leisure time. It is recommended that one should take a break from work and make sure that they put a specific time of the day that is allotted to work. Taking time off work not only clears one’s mind but also prevents burnout and encourages better work habits over the course of a day as well as a lifetime. This can be quite useful in avoiding being overwhelmed and burnt out while also offering a measure of safeguard for your psychological health and well-being by clearly demarcating work from personal space.

 Lighting and Air Quality

Two parameters that are rarely given much consideration but are very important in the creation of a functional workplace are light and ventilation. Lighting is an important factor as natural light can help to improve your mood and reduce eye strain so if possible place your desk by a window. Lighting and ventilation are some of the most important factors that can help make a workplace conducive to your physical and mental health while working. There are also things such as buying air purifiers or having plants in the office as this will enhance one’s health and hence boost productivity.